Love Ethics: Bell Hooks as ethics that do not allow the term love to be part of the exercise of power
Desire lines borrowed by landscape architucture and by Sarah Ahmed for encouraging the finding of paths that deviate of conventional lines. Also Sarah Ahmeds undestanding of orientation & emotions
Bifo Berardis poetic acts as a way to navigate semiotics towards cnventional meanings
Deleuze and Guatati: Thousand Plateaus
Th notion of Becoming, their understanding of Desire and the notion of Desiring Machines and their citic on the structure of family as a system of Power. They are for potency instead for power. For potential instead of pissobilities
Judith Butler: The force of non violence and the importance of interdependence
Eva Illouz the notion of romantic utopia, her critic on the commodificationof love and her approach on love as something revolutionary due to the power it has to destabilise society as it controls the most important regulatory factor: Kinship
The notion of Kinship by D. Haraway. A more than human- interspecies kinship that critics Anthropocentrism
Jack Halberstam and his ideas on reimagining alternative forms of intimacies as a critic to the queer activists that have focused on marriage a model that is borrowed from the heterosexual reality that is already proven unsuccessful
The notion of crip-time by Alison Kaefer
Philosphical cyniscism as a praxis
Psychogeography, Guy Debord and other situationists that use the toll of derive-drifting around in the city
The notion of schizing inspired by Schizosomatics